Hello Everyone,
Well it’s June at last, perhaps the sunshine will arrive now, I hope so. Election time has arrived it seems, lots of politics and promises being made. Oh dear! (no comment).
I hope everyone is well and no doubt looking forward to their holidays. Thank you all for the business we received in May, it really did keep us very busy.
I would like to thank each and every one for the wonderful and kind testimonials given to us and also a big, big thank you from all the charities, that the business we receive helps to support every month. Thank you!
So onwards & upwards, 3 more months this year to August 31st and we have done 25 years of CDF Office Furniture (quite a landmark!). Phew! It seems to have gone past quickly. That’s life, happy days.
Wishing you all a great summer time trading.
Don’t forget, anything needed at all, large or small, just give me a call.
Very Best Regards,
David & The Team
Direct Dial – 0113 250 4155
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